Various conservation entities in Liberia collect data for their monitoring programs in different conservation areas, but this leaves areas outside of protected and proposed protected areas largely uncovered.
The Forestry Development Authority of Liberia monitors protected areas and proposed protected areas, working with researchers and NGOs.
The Society for the Conservation of Nature in Liberia (SCNL) is the Liberian BirdLife partner, and this entity collects data on bird species occurrence and abundance in Important Bird Areas every year.
Other NGOs collect data in National Parks as a part of larger programs or in collaboration with researchers.
Monitoring in Liberia’s oldest and largest national Park, the Sapo National Park is done by Fauna & Flora International, as is baseline surveys for the Wonegizi PPA. The newer Grebo-Krahn National Park is covered by Wild Chimpanzee Foundation. The Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia is also prominent in monitoring in the Gola Rainforest National Park, in combination with partners doing the same in the sister park in Sierra Leone. Most surveys of the East Nimba Nature areas and Nimba Mountain Biodiversity Hotspot are done by Arcelor Mittal in collaboration with the Forestry Development Authority of Liberia.